Jamie Graduation Pictures

The original files are available by email.  Each picture is between 450K and 1.2M depending upon resolution.
Full sets of all Jamie photos are available by cdrom.

send email with the picture number you want.

P6130002.JPG (96251 bytes)  #002    the field

P6130003.JPG (122993 bytes)  #003    The teachers coming in

P6130007.JPG (133546 bytes)  #007    Jamie walking in

walk-in.jpg (56681 bytes)  (blow-up)

P6130008.JPG (99758 bytes)  #008    Walking in

P6130012.JPG (124292 bytes)  #012    The line to the chairs

P6130020.JPG (137030 bytes)  #020    The ceremony

P6130036.JPG (143944 bytes)  #036    Graduate

graduate.jpg (24862 bytes)  (blow up)

P6130037.JPG (74604 bytes)  #037    With hat

P6130038.JPG (134097 bytes)  #038    after

P6130039a.JPG (62338 bytes)  #039    grad

P6130040.JPG (113191 bytes)  #040    Party

P6130042.JPG (154382 bytes)  #042    Mom

P6130046.JPG (150703 bytes)  #046    Cake